Our Mission

The DFIR and InfoSec Research Council (DFIRISRC) is dedicated to advancing the fields of Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR) and Information Security through cutting-edge research, fostering collaboration, and providing education to the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.

Our Vision

We envision a world where digital environments are secure, resilient, and trustworthy. DFIRISRC aims to be at the forefront of DFIR and InfoSec research, driving innovation and setting standards for the industry.

What We Do

  • Conduct and promote innovative research in DFIR and Information Security
  • Facilitate collaboration between academia, industry, and government sectors
  • Organize conferences, workshops, and webinars to share knowledge and best practices
  • Provide resources and training for cybersecurity professionals and students
  • Advocate for policies that enhance digital security and privacy

Key Facts

  • Founded: 2021
  • Individual Members: 50
  • Corporate Members: 10
  • Global Reach: 5 countries
  • Published Papers: 10